I havent been able to make the time lately to post anything of significance. My cousin is getting a divorce. It really saddens me. I was her maid of honor in her wedding. It seems like now more and more people are willing to just give up trying instead of making the effort to work past things. Yes you will at some point be unhappy with your mate but does that mean you run off galavanting with the first man you meet who shows you attention. Anyway not to get into too much detail. I am very disappointed and saddened by the whole ordeal. Her husband will always be part of my family.

I have trimmed my bangs since this picture.. They sit right at my eyebrows. I love them.
In other news..
My life has been rather depressing lately and I am fighting the urge to slip into it deep. It seems like everything that could go wrong or be denied is denied. I have been with drawn lately. I cant explain it. Everything is a let down and a disappointment. I've been drinking way too much coffee lately.
This isnt a great picture but these are the "new" bangs.
Goodnight for now. ~Cassandra